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Photography Competition Closing Date

The Clock is ticking - Enter Now!Hurry it’s almost over!

With the Closing Date on our Photography Competition fast approaching, if you haven’t already entered you may want to do so soon! There is one week left in which to submit your photos, closing date is Monday 1st May 2017.

We are delighted with the response to date and looking forward to whittling through all the entries.

The Prize

There will be 12 prizes up for grabs. Each of the winners shall have their photographs published and accreditation in our 2018 Lambe’s Oil Calendar. This calendar gets distributed around the midlands counties of Laois, Offaly, Westmeath and Kildare. They will also be featured on the website, our Facebook Page and our Twitter account.

The 1st Prize winner will receive a Lambe’s Oil voucher worth €1,000. Their photograph will also be the feature photo published on the cover of the calendar! Each of the 11 runners up will receive a €200 Lambe’s Oil voucher.

The winners will be announced on publication of the 2018 calendar.… So what are you waiting for? This is your chance to have your photos recognised and win a great prize in the process!!

Click here for a quick read of the Terms and Conditions (yes, every competition has them, but they are brief) and then click here to enter the Photo Competition