Commercial Diesel

Home Heating Oil

Agri Diesel





Winner of 1000 Litres of Home Heating Oil

Winner of 1000 Litres of Home Heating OilWe have a Winner!!

Did you purchase Home Heating Oil from us in October, November and December 2016?

If so you may not know this, but you would have been entered into our Draw to WIN 1,000 Litres of Home Home Heating Oil!!!

As you can imagine, there were tones of entries. That’s a lot of paper to cut up and enter into one little box! Don’y worry we will recycle it all 🙂

A little later than anticipated, we held our Draw to pick a winner today

Peter struggled to pick a winner with the amount of entries in the box but alas, there could only be one winner. Watch the video below to see if it was you!


Congratulations 1,000 Litres of Home Heating Oil making it’s way to Mountmellick, Co. Laois. 

Have you entered our Lambe’s Oil Photo Competition yet?