Commercial Diesel

Home Heating Oil

Agri Diesel





Save Money On Your Home Heating Oil Delivery With Lambes Oil

How To Reduce The Cost Of Your Home Heating Oil?

Lambe’s Oil Easy Payment Plan is a great way to spread the cost of your home heating oil. Prices have increased at an alarming rate over the last few weeks. Demand has been extremely high and the markets are extremely volatile with the current crisis in Ukraine. This is why we have relaunched our Easy Payment Plan. Our drivers are currently dropping a form with every Home Heating Oil Delivery. Complete the form and return it to us to set up your Easy Pay Account.

Build Up Credit – Spread The Cost Of Your Home Heating Oil

Is there a way to save up for my heating oil? Is there something I can do to make sure that I never run out of home heating oil?

These are the types of questions we answer daily in Lambe’s Oil. Our first answer is always the same, Sign up for our Easy Payment Plan!

We know that our customers would like to budget for their heating oil throughout the year. How do we know this? … Because you told us and we have listened!

We know you want to avoid large bills, especially during the Autumn and Winter months. One minute, we are up to your eyes in Back to school fees, and the next we are busy saving for Christmas, and just when you think it’s all over – Bam the oil goes dry! This is why we have The Easy Payment Plan in place.

There has never been a better time to sign up for our Easy Payment Plan. Our plan allows you to pay a set amount monthly by direct debit. It allows you to build up credit towards your next home heating oil delivery. This helps to ensure you are always building up credit and never have to run out of heating oil again.

With so many customers interested in signing up for our Easy Payment Plan, we have redesigned a simple form with all you need to know about it.

What Can I Do Next?

Our drivers are currently leaving an Easy Pay form and a Lambe’s Oil Freepost envelope with every domestic heating oil delivery. This form gives you more information about our service and you can complete it at your convenience and return it to us by free post. If you would like some more information about our Easy Pay Plan please visit our page at Easy Payment Plans – Lambes’s Oil where you can download the form for yourself and send it back to us in the office in Cloncollig, Tullamore.